Does an Air Filter Make a Difference in Your Home?

Indoor air quality is a critical factor for any homeowner, especially if your family members have respiratory issues. The right air filter can make the difference between air full of pollutants and air that is clean, healthy and easy to breathe. When it comes to the health and comfort of your family, friends, and other guests, it's a good idea to buy the most efficient air filter you can afford. Not only do filters make it easier for people to breathe, but they also reduce odors and make your home a more pleasant place to live.

The question is: does an air filter really make a difference in your home? The answer is yes, but only up to a certain point. It all depends on what you want an air purifier to do in your home and how well you adapt the specific air purifier to your goals. Working to reduce common sources of pollutants and increasing the flow of fresh air into the home are essential strategies when it comes to reducing air pollution risks. According to materials published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a good air purifier can handle the rest. AHAM standards are designed to ensure the safety, efficiency, and performance of many home care appliances, including air purifiers.

Sometimes, non-organic air pollutants, such as the VOCs listed above, can originate outside your home. These filters will protect your air conditioning unit from dust and dirt that could damage it, while allowing air to flow freely. You can also look for air purifiers and filters that are certified as suitable devices for asthma and allergies by the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation.Keep in mind that some air purifiers use ionizers to help attract particles, such as static negative ions, that adhere to dust and allergens and cause them to accumulate in the air. If you really want to clean the air as it flows through your air conditioning system, you should consider installing a whole-house air purifier or placing a UV lamp inside the air conditioning unit.

This means that, in addition to the purchase price of an air purifier, you must also consider operating costs and filter replacement costs. The experts at David Gray Heating & Air have extensive experience and the knowledge needed to help you with your air filtration needs. Air filters are an important factor in keeping your home clean and keeping the air you breathe healthy. Some days are worse than others when it comes to air pollutants, and sometimes the government issues warnings for the elderly, the sick, or young children. They use fans to suck air through one or more filters, trap various contaminants, and then circulate cleaner air back to the room.

By eliminating pollutants from the air (both chemical and environmental), your family will be able to breathe cleaner air every day, and your electricity bills will also be reduced because your air conditioning unit won't have to work as hard. In fact, there are many different types of air filters available, and choosing the right one can make a real difference to the lifespan of your HVAC system. An investigation concluded that air filters have few significant effects on dust mite allergens, since these allergens lodge in larger particles that deposit quickly on surfaces and are not trapped by air filters. Air purifiers that use HEPA filters can capture particles from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that spreads COVID-19. When it comes down to it, investing in an air filter is worth it if you want cleaner indoor air quality for yourself and your family. Not only will it help reduce odors in your home but it will also help reduce allergens that can cause respiratory issues.

It's important to remember that not all filters are created equal so be sure to do your research before investing in one.

Ashleigh Yballe
Ashleigh Yballe

Amateur internet ninja. Hipster-friendly tv fanatic. General pop culture buff. Subtly charming beer buff. Wannabe burrito evangelist. Award-winning internet practitioner.