The Devastating Consequences of Not Changing Your Air Filter

If you don't change the air conditioning filter, it will start to fail. You will no longer be able to filter the air properly, allowing dust and pollutants to enter the air conditioner. Dust clogs up moving parts of an air conditioner, such as motors and fan valves. Airflow is restricted, creating tension in the system.

If the filter is clogged and can't trap pollutants like it did before, those elements can be left back in the air that everyone in the house breathes. Immediate problems may include headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness. If the air filters are not changed and problems persist, the long-term effects could be respiratory diseases, heart disease, or cancer. Replacing the air filter and having the air conditioning system inspected regularly are part of a preventive maintenance routine.

Not changing the air filter can damage other parts of the system and result in a large repair bill later on. Changing air filters regularly can help preserve the life of the system and make it work more efficiently. If you don't change your air filter for an extended period of time, devastating consequences often result. Depending on the type of air filter you use, you'll need to follow different programs to ensure that the filter is always working for optimal performance.

When it comes time to buy new air filters for your air conditioning system, there are a few things to consider. It can cause a total breakdown if the system works too hard to turn around and get through clogged air filters. Because clogged air filters cause the system to work hard to generate air flow, hot or cold air can't get to where it's needed properly. If you forget to replace your home's air filters regularly, you may experience immediate problems such as headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness.

If you keep using that same air filter and problems persist, the long-term impacts could be serious. According to experts, they can include possible heart and respiratory diseases and even cause cancer. You might be surprised to discover that a dirty air filter can be the cause of a total system failure. It's important to remember that changing your air filter may seem like a simple task but it's often overlooked and forgotten for months. If you haven't changed your home's air filters lately, the next step should be to figure out what filters you need and replace them as soon as possible.

It's also important to call Miller Plumbing & Heating to have your system inspected and cleaned professionally if you haven't changed your air filters for a while. As air circulates through a building's air conditioning system, air filters trap and accumulate large and small particles such as dust, allergens, and microorganisms. Air filters usually have a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) that determines the type and size of the contaminants the filter will work against. Not changing your home's air filter can have serious consequences for both your health and your wallet. If left unchecked for an extended period of time, long-term effects could include respiratory diseases, heart disease, or cancer. Additionally, not changing your home's air filter can damage other parts of your system and result in a large repair bill later on. Replacing your home's air filter regularly is an important part of preventive maintenance for your home's HVAC system.

Doing so helps preserve its life and make it work more efficiently while also ensuring that everyone in your home is breathing clean air free from dust particles or other pollutants.

Ashleigh Yballe
Ashleigh Yballe

Amateur internet ninja. Hipster-friendly tv fanatic. General pop culture buff. Subtly charming beer buff. Wannabe burrito evangelist. Award-winning internet practitioner.