How Often Should You Replace Your Home Air Filters?

When it comes to maintaining a healthy home environment, one of the most important things to consider is the air quality. To ensure that your home is free from dust, allergens, and other pollutants, it's important to know how often you should replace your air filters. Pleated air filters are the most common type and should be changed every 30-60 days. Air filters with two folds should be replaced every three months, while three-fold air filters should be changed every 120 days and four-fold air filters should be changed every six months.

Fiberglass air filters are more affordable but need to be changed every 30 days or less, especially if there are children in the home. Vacuum filters should be replaced every two to three months. Different types of ovens or air conditioning filters have different specifications for when they should be replaced. Fiberglass filters are lower in price; however, they will need to be replaced more frequently (usually every 30 days).

Pleated air filters are more expensive than fiberglass filters but are made with higher quality materials and can last three to six months, depending on several factors. When you buy a new air filter, you'll find the manufacturer's recommendations for the replacement program. Air filters are usually found inside a home's ventilation grilles and are made of spun fiberglass, paper, or cloth enclosed in a cardboard frame. As outdoor dust or pollution increases, the need to replace indoor air filters on a more regular basis increases.

For example, in smaller houses, an oven filter or an air conditioning system is needed to pump less air with the same change in temperature as in larger houses, where more air will need to be pumped. Homeowners will want to consider replacing air filters after a thorough home renovation to keep the air clean and reduce the chances of expensive maintenance repairs in the future. After a period of smoky days and poor outdoor air quality, inspect the air filter to see if it needs to be changed. During these months, pollutants in your home may increase, but the air filter doesn't catch them.

For example, a family of four will need to change their air filters more often than a single-person home. Any use will cause a certain amount of dirt to be trapped in the air filter; after all, that's its job. Regardless of the type of air conditioning system you have, each unit needs a quality filter that is properly adjusted to keep indoor air quality clean and the unit operating at maximum efficiency. For mild to moderate allergies, residents will want to try replacing their air filters every 30 days. However, these appliances are usually made with smaller filters and may need to be changed as often as those in larger homes. You'll find it easier to remember this important task if you learn how often you should change your air filter in the first place.

A general rule of thumb for pleated air filters (such as those made by FilterBuy) is to change them every 90 days. Not changing your filter accordingly can cause your energy bill to increase since clogged filters make your system work harder to circulate air. All the air that circulates through your air conditioning system - whether it's used for heating or cooling - will end up passing through your filter. To ensure that your home is free from dust, allergens, and other pollutants, make sure you know how often you should replace your home's air filter.

Ashleigh Yballe
Ashleigh Yballe

Amateur internet ninja. Hipster-friendly tv fanatic. General pop culture buff. Subtly charming beer buff. Wannabe burrito evangelist. Award-winning internet practitioner.