The Benefits of Using an Air Filter for Home: A Comprehensive Guide

Having an air filter in your home is a great way to reduce the risk of airborne diseases and protect your family. Air purifiers with HEPA technology can remove up to 99.7% of the particulate matter (PM) suspended in the air, providing immediate and long-term health benefits such as improved sleep quality and longer life expectancy. Air filters are designed to capture dust, spores, hair, dandruff, and other particles that are circulated through the air conditioning system. Changing your home air filter regularly ensures that your home has cleaner, healthier, and fresher air.

According to materials published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a good air purifier can help reduce common sources of pollutants and increase the flow of fresh air into the home. Experts explain how air purifiers can filter out harmful germs and viruses, as well as dust, smoke, mold, and more. To avoid sleep disruptions, it's best to use HEPA air purifiers as they filter most of the allergens in the room. This also provides the air conditioning system with a protective barrier against dirt and debris.

UV-light air purifiers may not be as effective as HEPA air filters because many bacteria are resistant to UV rays. HEPA air filters save energy, but the filters must be changed once every three months for optimal benefits. Some technologically advanced air purifiers include a combination of two or three types of filters. A good air purifier should be part of a multi-pronged strategy to maintain healthy indoor air, and should not be considered a miracle solution. One of the easiest ways to maintain your system and preserve its lifespan is to use an air filter that fits properly and change it regularly. Every model included in the Good Housekeeping Institute's rigorous guide to the best air purifiers you can buy has an authentic HEPA filter.

The air filter traps dust and dirt particles before they reach and accumulate on the internal and mobile components of the unit. Air purifiers capture a high percentage of airborne allergens and irritants that flow through the filters, making them perfect for allergy sufferers. Although it's practically impossible to get rid of dust completely, it can be significantly reduced with your home air filter, helping you combat dust in your home. This method of filtering carbon uses a highly porous form of carbon to trap chemicals and bring fresh air back into the room.

Ashleigh Yballe
Ashleigh Yballe

Amateur internet ninja. Hipster-friendly tv fanatic. General pop culture buff. Subtly charming beer buff. Wannabe burrito evangelist. Award-winning internet practitioner.